Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Worst Blog Post EVER... Thanks Obama!

I can't believe I'm writing this.  More accurately, I can't believe I have to write this.  I guess technically I don't "have to" write it, but my ability to listen to nonsense whilst saying nothing has reached its peak.  I've got some breaking news: Barack Obama is NOT the worst President in our nation's history (Gasp!).  I can sense people closing out the window, unfollowing, blocking, or commenting as I type this.  Please stay with me. Also, comments have been disabled, so good luck.

I'm not here to argue whether I agree or disagree with Obama, nor is this about correcting poor arguments on the President, even though that'd be quite the topic: Obama has actually deported more illegal immigrants than Bush?  Get outta here!  Net immigration from Mexico to US since 2011 is zero? No Way! Obama is actually ranked as the most gun-owner friendly President since Reagan?  Heresy!

Yeah, that'd be too much fun...

Look, what I'm trying to say is this isn't about political allegiance.  I don't identify with the Democratic party nor am I claiming to have supported or even voted for our current President.  I just happen to be sensible enough to not let my emotions get the best of me.  The last 7 years have been tumultuous, and Obama has definitely eliminated himself from the "best ever" argument.  There are some legitimate talking points on the failures of our President and they've been well documented; however... the last 7 years have also amazed me in the sheer amount of hyperbole infused rhetoric aimed at our current President.  The only conclusion I can draw from my amazement is that our electorate is as dumb as ever.  Let me explain...